Thursday, May 23, 2013

State of Florida v. Zimmerman: Criminal Defense Strategy

Regardless of whether you believe George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin or acted in self-defense, a trial looms on the horizon.  And, twelve Floridians will be saddled with the responsibility of deciding the former's innocence or guilt.  A case with such monumental media exposure undoubtedly requires creative and nuanced legal strategy -- from both sides.  The defense's posturing continued today via Mr. Zimmerman's criminal lawyer:

The members of the jury will not assume their duty without some knowledge of this case.  It is vital for both sides to present their story in the media, without the hindrance of the rules of evidence.  Pictures, texts, and phone calls, which are likely inadmissible at trial, can be planted in the minds of potential jurors now.  As the adage says: "You can't unring the bell."  Once a future juror sees or hears these pictures and texts, it's difficult to forget them, regardless of how a Judge may instruct.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Choose an Attorney Based on Personality? Yes!

If those in need of the services of an attorney knew how much the personality and conflict-resolution skill of an attorney play into the outcome and expense of the client's case, the practice and business of law would be completely different.

This is a very insightful article by Mark Baer.  And, I'd advise every person searching for a lawyer to read it. 

I strive to create and nourish healthy relationships with other attorneys.  Why?  Because great relationships with other attorney's help keep me sane and undoubtedly serve the best interests of my client.  I am not hired to perpetuate ongoing personal conflicts with other attorneys.  I am hired to pursue the goals of my clients as quickly and efficiently as possible.  That's only possible if I and the other attorney understand our roles and respect one another's obligations and responsibilities.  It isn't always possible, but, when it is, it makes a world of difference.

Divorce and Mediation: Facts v. Myths

Mediation is required in every divorce case filed in Morgan County.  So, it is important that the parties in the case understand what mediation is and how it works.  Though I always apprise my clients of what to expect, this article provides some useful information to those who haven't consulted a lawyer yet:

I would add that generally most participants in a mediation have an attorney with them.  And, no one does mediation before filing for divorce -- though it is certainly possible to do so.