Sunday, January 27, 2013

Family Law and Kim Kardashian: Covering the Gamut

In a short time, Kim Kardashian has managed to involve herself in multiple family law issues, her significant others, and her unborn child.

Simple planning and wise decision-making could have avoided these issues.  However, when difficult situations do arise, a family law attorney is invaluable and imperative.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Plaintiffs and the Alabama Supreme Court

Alabama's reputation as a defendant-friendly state (with regards to "plaintiff's" cases like personal injury and so on) appears to be supported by the data:

Though this isn't news to most personal injury lawyers, the statistics introduce a new topic for conversation.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Why All Adults Need a Will

Great summation as to why all adults, regardless of age, need to plan for the end and secure a last will, living will, and durable power of attorney:

As an estate planning attorney, I also encourage you to check my website for more information. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Facebook and Divorce: An Unlikely Tandem

Facebook can be an asset, or a thorn in your side, in a divorce proceeding.  For those who heavy-handedly share their personal lives with everyone on Facebook, take note:

Discretion and wise-posting are wise choices if you believe a divorce or child custody hearing may lie in your future.  An, if a divorce is right around the corner, contact a divorce attorney.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sperm Donors May Owe Child Support

A recent court decision in Kansas found that a man who answered a request on Craigslist to donate sperm to a lesbian couple is, pursuant to Kansas law, the legal father of the child and must pay child support to the child's mother.

Since the parties involved failed to utilize a medical doctor to facilitate the insemination, the law will not ignore his paternity.

Alabama law is analagous (Section 26-17-702).  If you are considering sperm donation or using someone else's sperm donation to become pregnant, consult a child support attorney versed in Alabama family law first.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Two Big Child Custody Mistakes"

Great Article by Family Law Attorney Bob Jeffries:

I've seen this in my practice twice.  Lesson to be learned: do not rely on informal custody arrangments.  Use a child custody lawyer, record the agreement in writing, and have a Court approve it.  Protect yourself and your children.